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Footworks Podiatry Singapore

What is a Bunion?

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A bunion is a protruding bony bump that forms at the joint of the big toe. It occurs when several bones in the front of your foot shift out of alignment. This displacement forces the base joint of the big toe to jut out, while the tip of the big toe angles towards the smaller toes. Often, the skin covering the bunion becomes red and painful.


If you have observed a small bump on the outer side of your big toe that appears to be growing larger over time, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Without proper and timely treatment, bunions can worsen over time.


Seeking medical evaluation is essential as neglecting to address a bunion's progression can lead to increasing pain. Footworks Podiatry provides bunion treatment in Singapore, helping you find relief and restore your foot’s health.

What Does Bunion Pain Feel Like?

The frequency and intensity of bunion pain can vary. While some experience occasional or mild discomfort, others may endure severe and persistent pain.


You might encounter dull aches or sharp stabbing sensations. Prolonged periods of standing or walking can make the pain worse.

Causes of Bunions

Your big toe bends inward toward your second toe when pressure is applied from your foot structure or the way you walk (foot mechanics). Bunions develop gradually over time. Although standing for extended periods or wearing ill-fitting, narrow shoes can exacerbate bunion pain, they are not the primary cause of bunions.

Symptoms of Bunions

Bunion symptoms include:


  • A bony protrusion on the exterior of the big toe joint

  • Pain in the big toe joint, which often worsens while wearing shoes and walking

  • Swelling or redness around the big toe joint

  • Development of calluses where the big toe rubs against the adjacent toe

  • Reduced mobility of the big toe

Distinguishing Between Bunions and Gout

Since both gout and bunions share a common symptom—a red, swollen, and painful big toe joint—gout is commonly mistaken for a bunion. However, gout can trigger sudden, intense pain, whereas bunions tend to grow gradually, accompanied by progressively increasing pain.

  • Location

Gout typically affects the base of the big toe, whereas bunions usually develop on the side of the big toe joint.

  • Symptoms

Gout leads to abrupt, acute pain, swelling, and redness in the affected joint, whereas bunions result in swelling, redness, and difficulties while walking.

  • Causes

Bunions often come on by wearing too high or poorly fitting shoes or heels. Whereas gout is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

  • Treatment

Bunions can be managed through rest, ice, physical therapy, or surgery. Conversely, gout is frequently treated with medications that alleviate inflammation and regulate uric acid levels.

When Should You Seek Medical Advice?

If home remedies for bunion pain prove ineffective, it's advisable to consult a specialist. A bunion expert might recommend starting with basic interventions like changing footwear, utilizing arch support, or using over-the-counter pain relievers.


Muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises might also be suggested to address foot pain.


For bunions caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis or other secondary factors, prescription medications may be recommended. In some cases, surgical intervention might be advised to remove the bunion and realign the toe.

Bunion Treatment/Management

  • Footwear Adjustments: Opting for shoes with wide, deep-toe boxes can alleviate pressure on your toes. Stretching devices can also be used to widen existing shoes.


  • Orthotic Devices: Custom-made or over-the-counter shoe inserts can help manage alignment issues (such as pronation) that contribute to bunion formation.


  • Pain Relief: Topical or oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can alleviate pain and swelling when used alongside ice packs.


  • Steroid Injections: Steroid injections can reduce pain and swelling, but they can also be harmful if taken excessively or directly into the joint. This is often a late method of treating bunions to prevent surgery and get bunion pain relief.


  • Surgery: Your doctor may advise surgery if non-surgical bunion treatments are ineffective, and walking becomes very painful. The medical term for this process is called a bunionectomy. Your doctor cuts off the bunion and realigns the bones to put the big toe back in its proper place.


  • Physical Therapy: Techniques such as massage, physical therapy, and ultrasound therapy can help break down soft tissue adhesions, reduce discomfort, and improve muscle strength around the bunion.

Choose Footworks Podiatry to Treat Bunion

  • You can trust Footworks Podiatry to provide comprehensive care for your foot and ankle problems. Our podiatrist specializes in identifying, managing, and preventing bunions. From complete assessments to personalized treatment plans, your comfort and mobility are our priority.


  • Our experience will aid you in achieving a successful recovery, your bunions. should not stop you from the activities you love.


  • Schedule an appointment with us for a consultation and embark on your journey to healthier feet. Come to us for comprehensive foot care solutions.


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